
Photo of beautiful oyster mushroom
coral oyster mushroom grown in Missouri

Oyster mushrooms are possibly the most versatile mushroom we grow. They are delicious sauteed, fried, baked, or roasted, and they are mild yet hearty. Their flavor blends with almost anything.

Oysters also come in many colors, and we grow them all! Grey, blue, tan, white, pink, and golden — our oyster mushrooms make a veritable bouquet.

Most oyster mushrooms are similar in taste and texture, except for the pink ones, which are tougher and somewhat chewy.

We mainly grow oysters on pasteurized straw, but some of the colors, such as golden and pink, grow and taste better when grown on sterilized sawdust.

King Oysters

King oysters are a special kind of oyster! Whereas the goal for most oyster mushrooms is large caps and short stems, the king oyster is prized for its long and large-diameter stem. The stem is a solid mass of pure deliciousness.

To achieve the right growth, king oysters prefer low temperatures, fairly low oxygen levels, and somewhat high CO2 levels. We give them their own microclimate within the fruiting room.

Woman growing mushrooms in northern missouri
Two oyster mushrooms